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September 6, 2017 Dr Diego Misseroni winner of the AIMETA Junior Award for Solid and Structural Mechanics from the
Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
- November 14, 2016 Modesto Panetti and Carlo Ferrari Award for applied mechanics from the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino[diploma].
- December 3, 2014 Doctor Honoris Causa at the Ovidius University of Constanta
Copies of the original articles for the reader's personal research and study can be requested emailing to davide.bigoni@unitn.it
- Bigoni, P., Cavuoto, R., Misseroni, D., Paggi, M., Ruffini, A., Sprio, S., Tampieri, A. (2020).
Ceramics with the signature of wood: a mechanical insight.
Materials Today Bio 5, 5211-5229.
[Open access]
- Sharma, L.B., Mishuris, G.S. (2020).
Scattering on a square lattice from a crack with a damage zone.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476, 476: 20190686.
[Open access]
- Mishuris, G.S., Movchan, A.B., Slepyan, L.I. (2020).
Waves in elastic bodies with discrete and continuous dynamic microstructure.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378, 2162.
[Open access]
- Gorbushin, N., Eremeyev, V.A., Mishuris, G. (2020).
On stress singularity near the tip of a crack with surface stresses.
International Journal of Engineering Science 146, 103183.
[Open access]
- Cazzolli, A., Misseroni, D., Dal Corso, F. (2019).
Elastica catastrophe machine: theory, design and experiments.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, in press.
Supplementary material
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2019.103735
[arXiv version]
- Misseroni D., Movchan A. and Bigoni D. (2019).
Omnidirectional flexural invisibility of multiple interacting voids in vibrating elastic plates.
[Cover paper]
Proceedings of the Royal Soociety A 475, 2229. Supplementary material
doi: https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2019.0283
[arXiv version]
- Cabras, L., Brun M. and Misseroni D. (2019).
Micro-structured medium with large isotropic negative thermal expansion.
[Open access][Cover paper]
Proceedings of the Royal Soociety A 475, 20190468. Supplementary material
doi: https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2019.0468
- Piccolroaz, A., Gorbushin, N., Nieves, M., Mishuris, G. (2019).
Failure propagation in dissimilar elastic lattices.
- Wrobel, M., Piccolroaz, A., Papanastasiou, P., Mishuris, G. (2019).
Redirection of a crack driven by viscous fluid taking into account plastic effects in the process zone.
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment. In Press.
- Livasov, P., Mishuris, G. (2019).
Numerical factorisation of a matrix-function with exponential factors in a problem for crack with process zone.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377, 2156.
[Open access]
- Gorbushin, N., Mishuris, G. (2019).
Dynamic fracture of a dissimilar chain.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377, 2156.
[Open access]
- Dal Corso, F., Tallarico, A., Movchan, N.V., Movchan, A.B., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Nested Bloch waves in elastic structures with configurational forces.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377 20190101
doi: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2019.0101
[arXiv version]
- Rizzi, G., Dal Corso, F., Veber, D., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Identification of second-gradient elastic materials from planar hexagonal lattices.
Part I: Analytical derivation of equivalent constitutive tensors.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 176-177, 1-18.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2019.07.008
[arXiv version]
- Rizzi, G., Dal Corso, F., Veber, D., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Identification of second-gradient elastic materials from planar hexagonal lattices.
Part II: Mechanical characteristics and model validation.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 176-177, 19-35.
[arXiv version]
- Armanini, C., Dal Corso, F., Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Configurational forces and nonlinear structural dynamics.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 130, 82-100.
[arXiv version]
- Kempen, D., Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Thermomechanical modelling of ceramic pressing and subsequent sintering.
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 156, 146-158.
[arXiv version]
- Fraldi, M., Palumbo, S., Carotenuto, A.R., Cutolo, A., Deseri, L., Pugno, N. (2019).
Buckling soft tensegrities: Fickle elasticity and configurational switching in living cells.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 124, 299-324.
[arXiv version]
- Bordiga, G., Cabras, L., Piccolroaz, A., Bigoni, D. (2019).
Prestress tuning of negative refraction and wave channeling from flexural sources.
Applied Physics Letters 114, 041901 [promoted as an Editor's Pick]
[arXiv version]
- Cazzolli, A., Dal Corso, F. (2019).
Snapping of elastic strips with controlled ends.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 162, 285-303.
[arXiv version]
- Shahzad, S., Dal Corso, F. (2019).
Torsion of elastic solids with sparse voids parallel to the twist axis.
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 24 2126-2153.
[arXiv version]
- Bordiga, G., Cabras, L., Bigoni, D., Piccolroaz, A. (2019).
Free and forced wave propagation in a Rayleigh-beam grid: Flat bands, Dirac cones, and vibration localization vs isotropization.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 161, 64-81.
[arXiv version]
- Gajo, A., Cecinato, F., Hueckel, T. (2019).
Chemo-mechanical modeling of artificially and naturally bonded soils.
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 18, 13-29.
[arXiv version]
- Peck, D., Wrobel, M., Perkowska, M., Mishuris, G. (2018).
Fluid velocity based simulation of hydraulic fracture - a penny shaped model. Part I the numerical algorithm.
Meccanica 53, 3615-3635.
[Open access]
- Peck, D., Wrobel, M., Perkowska, M., Mishuris, G. (2018).
Fluid velocity based simulation of hydraulic fracture - a penny shaped model. Part II new, accurate semi-analytical benchmarks for an impermeable solid.
Meccanica 53, 3637-3650.
[Open access]
- Giarola, D., Capuani, D., Bigoni, D. (2018).
Dynamic interaction of multiple shear bands.
Scientific Reports 8, 16033.
[Open access]
- Palumbo, S., Deseri, L, Owen D.R., Fraldi, M. (2018).
Disarrangements and instabilities in augmented one-dimensional hyperelasticity.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 474, 20180312.
[arXiv version]
- Deseri, L., Owen, D.R. (2019).
Elasticity with hierarchical disarrangements: A field theory that admits slips and separations at multiple submacroscopic levels.
Journal of Elasticity 135, 149-182.
- Gei, M., Mutasa, K.C.K. (2018).
Optimisation of hierarchical dielectric elastomer laminated composites.
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 106, 266-273.
[arXiv version]
- Gei, M., Misseroni, D.(2018).
Experimental investigation of progressive instability and collapse of no-tension brickwork pillars.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 155, 81-88.
[arXiv version]
- Bigoni, D., Kirillov, O., Misseroni, D., Noselli, G.Tommasini, M. (2018).
Flutter and divergence instability in the Pfluger column: Experimental evidence of the Ziegler destabilization paradox.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 116, 99-116.
[arXiv version]
- Musolino, P., Mishuris, G. (2018).
A nonlinear problem for the Laplace equation with a degenerating Robin condition.
Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences 41, 5211-5229.
[Open access]
- Gajo, A., Cecinato, F., Loret, B. (2018).
A general computational framework for immiscible three phase flow in deformable porous media.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 165, 516-534.
- Gajo, A., Smith, C.C. (2018).
Combined rupture mechanisms in shallow foundations.
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55, 829-838.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2016-0324
- Bigoni, D., Bordignon, N., Piccolroaz, A., Stupkiewicz, S. (2018).
Bifurcation of elastic solids with sliding interfaces.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 474, 20170681.
doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0681
[Open access]
- Bigoni, D., Misseroni, D., Tommasini, M., Kirillov, O., Noselli, G. (2018).
Detecting singular weak-dissipation limit for flutter onset in reversible systems.
Physical Review E 97, 023003.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.023003
[arXiv version]
- Giarola, D., Capuani, D., Bigoni, D. (2018).
The dynamics of a shear band.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 112, 472-490
[arXiv version]
- Broseghini, M., Zanelli, P., Jefferson, A.D., Gei, M. (2018).
Progressive instability in circular masonry columns.
Engineering Structures 157, 96-104.
[arXiv version]
- Carta, G., Jones, I.S., Movchan, N.V., Movchan, A.B., Nieves, M.J. (2017).
Gyro-elastic beams for the vibration reduction of long flexural systems.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473, 20170136.
[Open access]
- Carta, G., Jones, I.S., Movchan, N.V., Movchan, A.B., Nieves, M.J. (2017).
"Deflecting elastic prism" and unidirectional localisation for waves in chiral elastic systems.
Scientific Reports, 7, 26.
[Open access]
- Bacigalupo, A., Paggi, M., Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. (2018).
Identification of higher-order continua equivalent to a Cauchy elastic composite.
Mechanics Research Communications, 93, 11-22.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mechrescom.2017.07.002
[arXiv version]
- La Salandra, V., Wenzel, M., Bursi, O.S., Carta, G., Movchan, A.B. (2017).
Conception of a 3D Metamaterial-Based Foundation for Static and Seismic Protection of Fuel Storage Tanks.
Frontiers in Materials, 4, 30.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2017.00030
[Open access]
- Tallarico, D., Movchan, N.V., Movchan, A.B., Colquitt, D.J. (2017).
Tilted resonators in a triangular elastic lattice: Chirality, Bloch waves and negative refraction.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 103: 236-256.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2017.03.007
[Open access] [arXiv version]
- Dal Corso, F., Misseroni, D., Pugno, N.M., Movchan, A.B., Movchan, N.V., Bigoni, D. (2017).
Serpentine locomotion through elastic energy release [Open access].
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14, 20170055.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2017.0055
- Papathanasiou, T.K., Movchan, A.B., Bigoni, D. (2017).
Wave reflection and transmission in multiply stented blood vessels.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473, 1364-5021.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2017.0015
[Open access]
- Gourgiotis, P.A., Bigoni, D. (2017).
The dynamics of folding instability in a constrained Cosserat medium.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, A 375, 20160159.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2016.0159
[Open access]
- Tallarico, D., Trevisan, A., Movchan, N.V., Movchan, A.B. (2017).
Edge waves and localization in lattices containing tilted resonators.
Frontiers in Materials, 103, 236-256.
doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2017.00016
[Open access]
- Armanini, C., Dal Corso, F., Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D. (2017).
From the elastica compass to the elastica catapult: an essay on the mechanics of soft robot arm
[Cover paper] [Open access].
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473, 20160870.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2016.0870
- Misseroni, D., Afferrante L., Carbone, G., Pugno N. (2017).
Non-linear double-peeling: experimental vs. theoretical predictions.
The Journal of Adhesion, 94, 46-57.
doi: 10.1080/00218464.2016.1255849
[arXiv version]
- Cabras, L., Movchan, A.B., Piccolroaz A. (2017).
Floquet-Bloch waves in periodic networks of Rayleigh beams: Cellular system, dispersion degenerations, and structured connection regions.
Mechanics of Solids, A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences 52, 549-563.
[arXiv version]
- Piccolroaz A., Movchan, A.B., Cabras, L. (2017).
Rotational inertia interface in a dynamic lattice of flexural beams.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 112, 43-53.
[arXiv version]
- Piccolroaz A., Movchan, A.B., Cabras, L. (2017).
Dispersion degeneracies and standing modes in flexural waves supported by Rayleigh beam structures.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 109, 152-165.
[arXiv version]
- S. Shahzad, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni (2017).
Hypocycloidal inclusions in nonuniform out-of-plane elasticity: stress singularity vs stress reduction.
Journal of Elasticity 126, 215-229.
doi: 10.1007/s10659-016-9590-5.
[arXiv version]
- M.S. Swan, A. Piccolroaz, D. Bigoni (2017).
Application of tomographic reconstruction techniques for density analysis of green bodies.
Ceramics International, 43, 49-754.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.10.004
[arXiv version]
- Bosi, F., Misseroni, D., Dal Corso, F., Neukirch, S., Bigoni, D. (2016).
Asymptotic self-restabilization of a continuous elastic structure.
Physical Review E, 94, 063005.
doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.94.063005
[arXiv version]
- Deseri, L., Pollaci, P., Zingales, M., Dayal, K. (2016).
Fractional hereditariness of lipid membranes: Instabilities and linearized evolution.
Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials 58, 11-27
[arXiv version]
- Carta, G., Movchan, A.B., Argani, L.P., Bursi, O.S. (2016).
Quasi-periodicity and multi-scale resonators for the reduction of seismic vibrations in fluid-solid systems.
International Journal of Engineering Science 109, 216-239
[arXiv version]
- A. Gajo, F. Cecinato, B. Loret (2017).
Deformable Porous Media Saturated by Three Immiscible Fluids: Constitutive Modelling and Simulations of Injection and Imbibition Tests
Transport in Porous Media 116, 19-51.
- E. Bortot, R. Denzer, A. Menzel, M. Gei (2016).
Analysis of viscoleastic soft dielectric elastomer generators operating in an electric circuit.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 78-79, 205-215.
doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.06.004.
[arXiv version]
- M. Tommasini, O. Kirillov, D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni (2016).
The destabilizing effect of external damping: Singular flutter boundary for the Pfluger column with vanishing external dissipation
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 91, 204-215.
[arXiv version]
- D. Bigoni, P.A. Gourgiotis (2016).
Folding and faulting of an elastic continuum. [Cover Paper] [Open Access]
Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 472, 20160018.
- L. Argani, D. Misseroni, A. Piccolroaz, Z. Vinco, D. Capuani, D. Bigoni (2016).
Plastically-driven variation of elastic stiffness in green bodies during powder compaction. Part I. Experiments and elastoplastic coupling.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 36, 2159-2167.
[arXiv version]
- L. Argani, D. Misseroni, A. Piccolroaz, D. Capuani, D. Bigoni (2016).
Plastically-driven variation of elastic stiffness in green bodies during powder compaction. Part II. Micromechanical modelling.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 36, 2169-2174.
[arXiv version]
- F. Dal Corso, S. Shahzad, D. Bigoni (2016).
Isotoxal star-shaped polygonal voids and rigid inclusions in nonuniform antiplane shear fields. Part I: Formulation and full-field solution.
International Journal of Solids and Structures. 85-86, 67-75.
[arXiv version]
- F. Dal Corso, S. Shahzad, D. Bigoni (2016).
Isotoxal star-shaped polygonal voids and rigid inclusions in nonuniform antiplane shear fields. Part II: Singularities, annihilation and invisibility.
International Journal of Solids and Structures. 85-86, 76-88.
[arXiv version]
- P.A. Gourgiotis, D. Bigoni (2016).
Stress channelling in extreme couple-stress materials Part I: Strong ellipticity, wave propagation, ellipticity, and discontinuity relations
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 88, 150-168.
[arXiv version]
- P.A. Gourgiotis, D. Bigoni (2016).
Stress channelling in extreme couple-stress materials Part II: Localized folding vs faulting of a continuum in single and cross geometries
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 88, 169-185.
[arXiv version]
- T. Sadowski, E.M. Craciun, A. Rabaea, L. Marsavina (2016).
Mathematical modeling of three equal collinear cracks in an orthotropic solid,
Meccanica 51, 329-339.
doi 10.1007/s11012-015-0254-5
- D. Misseroni, D.J. Colquitt, A.B. Movchan, I.S. Jones (2016).
Cymatics for the cloaking of flexural vibrations in a structured plate
Scientific Reports 6, 23929.
[Open Access] [arXiv version]
- F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso, and D. Bigoni (2015).
Self-encapsulation, or the 'dripping' of an elastic rod [Open Access]
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471, 20150195.
- Gourgiotis, P.A., Zisis, T. (2016).
Two-dimensional indentation of microstructured solids characterized by couple-stress elasticity.
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 51, 1-14.
- D. Misseroni, G. Noselli, D. Zaccaria and D. Bigoni (2015).
The deformation of an elastic rod with a clamp sliding along a smooth and curved profile,
International Journal of Solids and Structures 69-70, 491-497.
[arXiv version]
- F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso, and D. Bigoni (2015).
Development of configurational forces during the injection of an elastic rod
Extreme Mechanics Letters 4, 83-88.
[arXiv version]
- D. Misseroni, A.B. Movchan and N.V. Movchan and D. Bigoni (2015).
Experimental and analytical insights on fracture trajectories in brittle materials with voids.
International Journal of Solids and Structures 63, 219-225.
[arXiv version]
- N. Bordignon, A. Piccolroaz, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni (2015).
Strain localization and shear banding in ductile materials [Open Access]
Frontiers in Materials 2, 1-13.
doi: 10.3389/fmats.2015.00022.
- P.A. Gourgiotis and H.G. Georgiadis (2015).
Torsional and SH surface waves in an isotropic and homogenous elastic half-space characterized by the Toupin-Mindlin gradient theory
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 62, 217-228.
[arXiv version]
- D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, D. Misseroni and F. Bosi (2014).
Torsional locomotion [Cover Paper] [Open Access]
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 20140599.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2014.0599
- F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso, and D. Bigoni (2014).
An elastica arm scale [Cover Paper]
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 20140232.
[Royal Society Publishing July Highlights][arXiv version]
- L. Argani, D. Bigoni, D. Capuani and N.V. Movchan (2014)
Cones of localized shear strain in incompressible elasticity with prestress: Green's function and integral representations
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 20140423.
[Open Access]
Copies of the original articles for the reader's personal research and study can be requested emailing to davide.bigoni@unitn.it
- D. Bigoni (2018)
Flutter from friction in solids and structures.
In CISM Lecture Notes No. 586 "Dynamic Stability and Bifurcation in Nonconservative Mechanics" (Ch. 1), edited by: D. Bigoni and O. Kirillov, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-93721-2, doi 10.1007/978-3-319-93722-9. - D. Bigoni, F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso, and G. Noselli (2015)
New phenomena in nonlinear elastic structures: from tensile buckling to configurational forces.
In CISM Lecture Notes No. 562 "Extremely Deformable Structures" (Ch. 2), edited by: D. Bigoni, Springer, ISBN 978-3-7091-1876-4, doi 10.1007/978-3-7091-1877-1. - L. Deseri (2019)
Elasticity and hereditariness.
In CISM Lecture Notes No. 577 "The Role of Mechanics in the Study of Lipid Bilayers", edited by: D. Steigmann, Springer, ISBN-13: 978-3319563473 ISBN-10: 3319563475.
CISM Lecture Notes No. 586
"Dynamic Stability and Bifurcation in Nonconservative
Edited by Davide Bigoni and Oleg Kirillov
doi 10.1007/978-3-319-93722-9
Preface and Contents
CISM Lecture Notes No. 562
"Extremely Deformable Structures"
Edited by Davide Bigoni
doi 10.1007/978-3-7091-1877-1
Preface and Contents
- Costanza Armanini (2018).
Instabilities and dynamics of elastic rods in the presence of movable constraints
Advisors: Davide Bigoni and Francesco Dal Corso - Nicola Bordignon (2018).
Bifurcations and instability in non-linear elastic solids with interfaces
Advisors: Davide Bigoni and Andrea Piccolroaz - Diana Giarola (2019).
Dynamic interaction between shear bands
Advisors: Davide Bigoni and Domenico Capuani - Gianluca Rizzi (2019).
Strain-gradient effects in the discrete/continuum transition via homogenization
Advisors: Davide Bigoni and Francesco Dal Corso - Gabriel Rossetto (2019).
Buckling of thin-walled cylinders from three dimensional nonlinear elasticity
Advisors: Davide Bigoni and Roberta Springhetti - Mirko Tommasini (2018).
Flutter instability in structural mechanics: theory and experimental evidence
Advisors: Davide Bigoni and Diego Misseroni
Copies of the original articles for the reader's personal research and study can be requested emailing to davide.bigoni@unitn.it
- Bigoni, F., Bigoni, D., Misseroni, D., Wang, D. (2017).
Megalithic stone beam bridges of ancient China reach the limits of strength and challenge size effect in granite
Journal of Cultural Heritage 26, 167-171.
Copies of the original articles for the reader's personal research and study can be requested emailing to davide.bigoni@unitn.it
- Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D., Dal Corso, F. (2014).
A model for teaching elastic frames
Journal of Materials Education 36, 169-174.
Feel free to use the following software for your work provided the source is adequately cited.
- Boundary Element Method for an isolated shear band (Mathematica ".nb" file, accompanying instruction file).
Related paper:
The dynamics of a shear band.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 112, 472-490
[arXiv version]
OUTREACH ACTIVITIES- Christmas 2018/ New Year 2019 Card
- Christmas 2017/ New Year 2018 Card
- Christmas 2015/ New Year 2016 Card
- Presentations
Celebration of the 500th Anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death "Leonardo da Vinci: Apoteosi della creativita' multidisciplinare", May 2, 2019, Bologna
Bigoni D., "Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei e la Scienza delle Costruzioni". -
VI Festival de Ciencia Puerto de Ideas, April 14, 2019, Antofagasta, Cile
Bigoni D., "Maquinas elasticas. De da Vinci a la robotica". -
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, April 15, 2019, Santiago, Cile
Bigoni D. and Modugno G.F., "Da Vinci: armonia mecanica y su influencia en la ciencia de la construccion y la musica". -
Istituto Italiano di Cultura, April 16, 2019, Santiago, Cile
Bigoni D., "Un cientifico del siglo XXI conversa con Leonardo da Vinci". -
Seminari Carlo Emanuele e Maria Rosa Tiscornia, Universita' di Genova, May 19, 2017, Genova
Bigoni D., "La ricerca sviluppata nell'ambito del mio ERC Advanced Grant". -
Regional Celebration for the European Research Council 10th Anniversary, Universita' di Pavia, May 8, 2017, Pavia
Bigoni D., "La ricerca sviluppata nell'ambito del mio ERC Advanced Grant". -
Centro Internazionale di Scienze Meccaniche, April 10, 2017, Udine, Italy
Bigoni D., "Travi e archi di pietra, catapulte e dispositivi elastici: storia, evoluzione e nuove sfide della meccanica strutturale". - The Researchers Night (La notte dei ricercatori), Septembre 25, 2015, Trento, Italy
- Bigoni D., "Strutture estreme", Caffe Scientifici.
- Bigoni D., "La bilancia a bracci elastici", Demo and hands on.
- Ricerca, Impresa e Cultura Giornata nazionale dei musei,
May 20, 2015, Museo della Bilancia, Campogalliano.
Bigoni D., "Un innovativo sistema di misura: la bilancia a bracci elastici di Bigoni, Bosi, Dal Corso e Misseroni". -
Advanced Problems in Mechanics Conference,
June 30 - July 5, 2014, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Bigoni D., "The Instabilities ERC project". -
Centro Internazionale di Scienze Meccaniche, June 4, 2014, Udine, Italy
Bigoni D., "Strutture soffici, resistenti ed ultraresistenti". - Collegio di Merito
Bernardo Clesio, March 20, 2014, Trento, Italy
Bigoni D., "Soft, resistant and ultra-resistant structures." -
Politecnico di Bari, March 7, 2014, Bari, Italy
Bigoni D., "La ricerca in un progetto ERC Advanced".
Celebration of the 500th Anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death "Leonardo da Vinci: Apoteosi della creativita' multidisciplinare", May 2, 2019, Bologna
- Highlights and interviews on newspapers and websites
- Article (in Spanish) in the Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio" (February 7, 2019).
- Participation in the event "La Notte dei Ricercatori" (September 28, 2018).
- Participation in the event "La Notte dei Ricercatori" (September 29, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Affari Italiani" (March 10, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "La Voce del Trentino" (March 10, 2017).
- Highlight in the web-portal of the Italian Minister of University and Research (MIUR) "Research Italy" (March 9, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Galileo" (February 27, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "L'Arena" (February 26, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Trentino Cultura" (February 23, 2017).
- Article (in Italian) in the newspaper "l'Adige" (February 23, 2017).
- Article (in Italian) in the newspaper "Trentino" (February 23, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Trentino Corriere delle Alpi" (February 23, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Il Dolomiti" (February 23, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "L'Adigetto" (February 22, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Ansa.it" (February 22, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the UniTn web-journal of the University of Trento "Dalla Catapulta Elastica di Leonardo al Braccio Robotico Flessibile" (February 22, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Virgilio (TAA)" (February 22, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Buongiorno SuedTirol" (February 22, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Vita Trentina" (February 22, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-site of the local radio "RTTR" (February 22, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Italian Engineers" (February 22, 2017).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the UniTn web-journal of the University of Trento "Premio all'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino" (November 25, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal of the Italian MIUR "ResearchItaly" (March 30, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Carmisano Vicentino" (March 30, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Liquida" (March 30, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Feltre" (March 30, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "la Voce del Trentino" (March 26, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "askanews" (March 25, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "ANSAit Trentino AA/S" (March 24, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Make Me Feed" (March 24, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the Facebook page "Universita' degli studi di Trento" (March 24, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-magazine "UNITRENTOMAG" March 24, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "L'Adigetto" (March 24, 2016).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-magazine "UNITRENTOMAG" (September 16, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the magazine "Trentinomese" (June, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the newspaper "l'Adige" (May 20, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Libero 24x7" (May 19, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Webmagazine Unitn" (May 19, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Modena Today" (May 15, 2015).
- Article (in French) in "bulletins-electroniques.com" (April 14, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Meccanica-plus.it" (March 26, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the web-journal "e7 Il settimanale di quotidiano energia" (March 18, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the web-journal "askanews.it" (February 24, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the web-journal "e-gazzette.it" (February 23, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the weekly journal "Heos.it" (February 20, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the website "Meteoweb.eu" (February 20, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the web-journal "Ambient & Ambienti" (February 19, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the web-journal "Corriere della sera.it" (February 19, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the newspaper "Corriere del Trentino" (February 19, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the website "Impresa Mia" (February 18, 2015).
- Article (in Italian) in the website "Galileo" (February 18, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the website "Le Scienze" (February 18, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the journal "Secolo Trentino" (February 18, 2015).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Tecnologia e Ricerca" (February 18, 2015).
- "Torsional Locomotion" is one of the Most Read Articles in November 2014.
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-magazine "Mister-X" (December 7, 2014).
- Article (in Italian) in the web-magazine "Controcampus" (December 5, 2014).
- Video (in Romanian) from "Digi24HD Constanta" (December 3, 2014).
- Video (in Romanian) from "Digi24" (December 3, 2014).
- Article (in Romanian) in the web-magazine "Adevarul" (December 3, 2014).
- Article (in Romanian) in the newspaper "Telegraf" (December 2, 2014).
- Article (in Romanian) in the newspaper "Ziua de Constanta" (December 2, 2014).
- Article (in Romanian) in the web-magazine "Replica" (December 2, 2014).
- Article (in Romanian) in the web-magazine "Liderul de Opinie" (December 2, 2014).
- Article (in Romanian) in the web-magazine "Radio Constanta" (December 1, 2014).
- Interview (in Italian) in the web-magazine "UniTrentoMag" (October 9, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the local newspaper "Trentino" (August 25, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Voxfabrica" (August 25, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "Oggiscienza" (August 25, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the local newspaper "Corriere del Trentino" (August 7, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the local newspaper "Trentino" (August 7, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "IM-Impresa Mia" (August 7, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-magazine "Controcampus" (August 7, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-magazine "UniTrento" (August 7, 2014).
- Highlight (in Italian) in the web-journal "L'Adigetto" (August 6, 2014).
- Highlight in the Royal Society Highlights (July, 2014).
- Interview (in Italian) in the newspaper "Messaggero Veneto" (June 3, 2014).
- Interview (in Italian) in the local newspaper "L'Adige" (2013).
Midwest Mechanics Seminars,
Tour B (Purdue, Illinois, IIT, Iowa, Minnesota, April 1-5, 2019)
Bigoni D.
- Purdue University "Instabilities in solids and structures: shear bands and flutter"
- University of Illinois "Folding of ductile solids and Eshelby forces in elastic rods"
- Illinois Institute of Technology "Shear Bands in Solids and Fluttering of Elastic Rods"
- Iowa State University "Folding of Elastic Solids and Eshelby Forces in Elastic Rods"
- University of Minnesota "Instabilities in Solids and Structures: Shear Banding of Continua and Fluttering of Rods"
2019 International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures, (February 28-March 2, 2019, Cetara, Salerno)
Bigoni D.
"Slip surfaces, shear bands, and the dynamics of flexural lattices". -
Midwest Mechanics Seminars,
Tour A (Michigan, Notre Dame, Winsconsin, October 29 - November 2, 2018)
Bigoni D.
- University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) "From shear banding to folding of ductile solids and to tensile buckling and Eshelby forces in elastic rods"
- Michigan State University (South Bend) "Folding of continua and fluttering of rods as instabilities in solids and structures"
- Notre Dame University (Notre Dame) "Shear banding leads to Eshelby forces in elastic rods"
- University of Wisconsin (Madison) "Instabilities in solids and structures: folding of continua and fluttering of rods"
Journee Scientifique Fed3G/TEC21 - Instabilities in Fluid and Solid Mechanics, September 20, 2018, Grenoble
Bigoni D.
"From shear banding to folding: instabilities in ductile materials". -
European Workshop on Acoustic & Mechanical Metamaterials, (July 9-11, 2018, Imperial College, London)
Bigoni D.
"Investigation of singular behaviours for flutter instability and configurational forces in structural dynamics". -
International Symposium on Defects and Material Mechanics, June 26-29, 2017, Lyon
Bigoni D.
"Configurational forces in elastic structures". -
Multiscale Innovative Materials & Structures, October 28-30, 2016, Cetara (SA)
Bigoni D.
"Elastic rods, snakes, and catapults". -
INdAM Workshop on Trends on Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, September 5-9, 2016, Roma
Bigoni D.
"The geometry of a higly deformed elastic rod, with applications to snakes, catapults, and self-oscillating systems". -
The 40th Solid Mechanic Conference SOLMECH 2016, August 30 - September 2, 2016, Warsaw
Bigoni D.
"Folding and faulting instabilities in extreme elastic solids". -
11th Hellenic Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics International Congress on Mechanics, 27-30 May 2016, Athens
Bigoni D.
"Geometry & elasticity: folding of a continuum, dripping of a rod and self-oscillating systems". -
International Workshop on Pattern Formation in Soft Materials, June 1-4, 2015, Tianjin, China
Bigoni D.
"Discontinuities, localization, ellipticity vs. stress channelling in extreme Cosserat materials". -
STAMM 2014, September 8-11, 2014, Poitiers, FR
Bigoni D.
"Energy releases and Eshelby forces in elastic structures". -
Advanced Problems in Mechanics, June 30 - July 5, 2014, Saint Petersburg
Bigoni D.
"Structures releasing energy". -
Assemblea Scientifica del Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica
May 15-17, 2014, Montecatini
Bigoni D.
"Energy releasing elastic structures". -
MRS Spring Meeting, April 21-25, 2014, San Francisco
Bigoni D.
"Configurational forces in elastic systems".
Mathematics and Mechanics: Natural Philosophy in the 21st Century, (June 24-27, 2018, Oxford Mathematical Insititute)
Bigoni D.
"Self-folding elastic solids and energy-releasing elastic rods".
Proceedings of the
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Theoretical, Applied and Experimental Mechanics.
ICTAEM 2019.
D. Bigoni, D. Capuani, D. Giarola
"Waves scattering by arrays of shear bands"
Structural Integrity, vol 8. Springer, Cham, Gdoutos E.E. Editor pp 171-181;
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21894-2_34 -
Proceedings of the ICTAEM: First International Conference on Theoretical, Applied and Experimental Mechanics 2018, Gdoutos E.E. Editor
D. Bigoni, D. Capuani, D. Giarola
"Scattering of waves by a shear band"
pp 279-288; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91989-8_61 -
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM21,
August 20-25, 2017 Xi'an, China.
Bigoni, D., Gourgiotis, P.A.
"Static and dynamic folding of three-dimensional elastic materials" -
Bigoni, D., Capuani, D., Giarola, D.
"Dynamics of shear bands in a prestressed material" -
D. Misseroni
"Experimental proof for the cloaking of flexural vibrations in a structured plate"
Bigoni, D., Gourgiotis, P.A.
Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena - Metamaterials 2017, August 28-September 2, 2017, Marseille
D. Tallarico, N.V. Movchan, A.B. Movchan, D. Colquitt
"Bloch waves in a triangular lattice with tilted resonators: applications to focussing"
Proceedings of the Italian Conference of Researchers in Geotechnical Engineering, September 22-23, 2016, Bologna, Italy
A. Gajo, F. Cecinato, T. Hueckel
"Chemo-mechanical modelling of cemented soils, from the microscale to the volume element"
Procedia Engineering 158 15-20. -
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Flutter and its Application, May 15-17, 2016, Tokyo
Bigoni D., Kirillov O., Misseroni D., Tommasini, M., G., Noselli
"Experiments on the Pfluger column: flutter from friction"
Abstract; Paper -
Proceedings of the FFW2014 -
3rd International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear (September 1-3, 2014, Kitakyushu, Japan)
appeared on International Journal of Fracture Fatigue and Wear: Conference Series proceedings,
Volume 2, 2014
Bigoni D.
"Local perturbations in higly prestressed materials" -
Dal Corso F., Bigoni D., Noselli, G., Misseroni D., Shahzad, S.
"Rigid inclusions: stress singularity, inclusion neutrality and shear bands"
Bigoni D.
(the first author is the presenting author)
CMMM2019 – 2nd International Conference on Modeling in Mechanics and Materials, March 29-31, 2019, Suzhou (China).
Dal Corso, F., Armanini, C., Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D.
Configurational forces and nonlinear dynamics of structures
APS March Meeting,
March 4-8, 2019, Boston, MA.
D. Bigoni
Fluttering and dancing elastic rods: the dynamics of the elastica subject to follower and configurational forces. -
GAMM2019 - 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,
February 18-22, 2019, Vienna (Austria)
F. Dal Corso, C. Armanini, D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni
The sudden release of a rod constrained by a sliding sleeve. -
XXII National Conference of Computational Mechanics and IX Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group,
September 13-14, 2018, Ferrara (Italy)
A. Cazzolli, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
Snap-back mechanisms of planar rods subject to kinematical boundary conditions. -
The Thirteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology,
September 4-6, 2018, Barcelona (Spain)
Misseroni, D.
Buckling under tensile dead load, effects of the constraint’s curvature and multiple bifurcations. -
WCCM2018 - 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics,
July 22-27, 2018, New York (USA)
- F. Dal Corso, C. Armanini, D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni
A Nonlinear Mechanical Model for Soft Robot Arms; - D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni, A.B. Movchan
Reinforcing and Scattering Reduction for Flexural Vibrations in a Rectangular Lattice; - L. Deseri, M. Fraldi, G. Mensitieri, S. Palumbo, V. Piccolo, L. Pocivavsek
Towards Predicting Instabilities of Lipid Monolayers: A Benchmark Problem.
- F. Dal Corso, C. Armanini, D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni
10th European Solid Mechanics Conference,
July 2-6, 2018, Bologna (Italy)
- Davide Bigoni
Slip surfaces, tensile buckling, and shear bands; - F. Dal Corso, C. Armanini, D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni
The dynamics of structures with configurational forces; - D. Misseroni, A.B. Movchan, N.V. Movchan, I.S. Jones, D.J. Colquitt
Invisibility cloak for structured plates; - L. Cabras, A. Piccolroaz, A. B. Movchan
Floquet-Bloch waves in periodic networks of the Rayleigh beams; - C. Armanini, F. Dal Corso, D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni
Elastica compass, elastica catapult and soft robot arms; - D. Giarola, D. Capuani, D. Bigoni
The dynamics of a shear band; - G. Rizzi, D. Veber, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
Mindlin second-gradient elastic properties from hexagonal lattice; - G. Rossetto, R. Springhetti, D. Bigoni
Elastic buckling of perfect cylinders under axial loading; - A. Cazzolli, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
Bistable mechanisms for strips with controlled clamped ends; - G. Mishuris, A. Piccolroaz, N. Gorbushin
Crack dynamics in a bimaterial lattice; - O. Kirillov, D. Bigoni, M. Tommasini, D. Misseroni, G. Noselli
Destabilizing external damping in theory and experiment; - D. Tallarico, D. Bigoni, N. V. Movchan, A. B. Movchan, F. Dal Corso
The coupled-mode interface and nested Bloch waves.
- Davide Bigoni
ETAMM2018 - Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, June 18–22, 2018, Krakow (Poland)
Misseroni D.
Scattering reduction for flexural vibrations in a structured plate via reinforcing of the boundary. -
7th International Congress on Ceramics,
June 17-21, 2018, Foz do Iguacu (Brazil).
Davide Bigoni
"Constitutive modelling of refractories at liquid steel temperature"
First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS),
June 17-20, 2018, Torino (Italy).
A. Cazzolli, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
"Snap-back mechanisms of rods subject to kinematic boundary conditions"
16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference,
March 26-28, 2018, Nantes (France).
Davide Bigoni
"Models for ceramic powder forming"
IUTAM Symposium on Recent advances in moving boundary problems in mechanics,
February 12-15, 2018, Christchurch (New Zealand).
Francesco Dal Corso, Diego Misseroni, Davide Bigoni
"Structures subject to movable boundary conditions and some related intriguing behaviour"
RAM3 - Recent Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics of Materials, Rome (Italy), November 22–24, 2017
Misseroni D.
Flutter and divergence instability in continuous structures: experimental and numerical proof. -
XXIII AIMETA Conference - The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Salerno (Italy), September 4–7, 2017
Misseroni D.
Scattering reduction for flexural vibrations in structured plates: numerical and experimental proof. -
21st International Conference on Composite Materials - ICCM21,
August 20-25, 2017 Xi'an, China.
International Conference on Structural
Integrity and Durability 2017 - Fatigue and Fracture at all Scales,
August 15-18, 2017, Dubrovnik (Croatia).
Francesco Dal Corso, Summer Shahzad, Davide Bigoni
"Star-shaped inclusions: From stress singularity raisers to stress annihilators"
CERMODEL2017 - CERMODEL2017 Congress on Modelling and Simulation meet Innovation in Ceramics Technology - July 26-28, 2017, Trento (Italy);
- A.B. Movchan
From the Millennium Bridge problem to wave cloaking; - E.M Craciun, D. Bigoni, M. Marin
A model of reinforced crack in a pre-stressed and pre-polarized piezoelectric ceramic material; - P. A. Gourgiotis
Microstructural effects on shear crack propagation in brittle materials; - D. Tallarico, A. Trevisan, N.V. Movchan, A.B. Movchan, D.J. Colquitt
Edge waves and cracks in a triangular lattice containing tilted resonators; - G. Bordiga, D. Bigoni, G. Noselli
Micromechanical modelling of masonry; - A. Cazzolli, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
Snap mechanisms of slender elastic structures subject to a monotonic variation of load and displacement boundary conditions; - G. Rossetto, D. Bigoni, R. Springhetti
Buckling of thin elastic cylinders; - D. Giarola, D. Bigoni, D. Capuani
A boundary integral technique for the dynamics of a shear band; - G. Rizzi, D. Veber, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
Closed form expressions for higher-order equivalent parameters to model microstructured materials.
- A.B. Movchan
International Symposium on Defects and Material Mechanics,
June 26-29, 2017, Lyon (France).
Davide Bigoni, Francesco Dal Corso, Diego Misseroni
"Configurational forces in elastic structures"
Mechanics in Scientific Discovery,
June 9-14, 2017, Firenze (Italy).
Davide Bigoni
"Elasticity, Emerging Morphologies & Energy Releases: Folding of an Elastic Continuum, Elastic Rods with Applications to Snakes, Catapults, & Soft Robot Arms"
IMACXXXV - Structural Dynamics Challenges in Next Generation Aerospace Systems,
January 30 - February 2, 2017, Orange County (Los Angeles - USA).
Francesco Dal Corso, Costanza Armanini, Diego Misseroni, Davide Bigoni
"Nonlinear modelling of the snap-back instability of a rotating rod".
2016 EMI International Conference,
October 25-27, 2016, Metz.
Costanza Armanini, Francesco Dal Corso, Diego Misseroni, Davide Bigoni
"Snap-through phenomena during rotation of a clamped elastic rod"
24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
August 21-26, 2016 Montreal, Canada.
D. Bigoni, (O. Kirillov, D. Misseroni, G. Noselli, M. Tommasini)
"Flutter and dissipation instabilities in structures subject to friction follower forces" Invited lecture
D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, D. Misseroni
"Teaching structural mechanics with models"
D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, N.M. Pugno, A.B. Movchan, N.V. Movchan
"Serpentine motion through a frictionless channel"
O. Kirillov, M. Levi
"Precession of a rotating saddle: a gyro force in an inertial frame"
D. Bigoni, (O. Kirillov, D. Misseroni, G. Noselli, M. Tommasini)
The 6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul, Korea
Bigoni D., Gourgiotis, P.A.
"Localization of folding and faulting in extreme Cosserat materials"
17th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, July 3-7, 2016, Rhodes (GR)
Bigoni D., Misseroni D., G., Tommasini, M., Kirillov O., Noselli
"Structural flutter, friction and limit cycles"
Bigoni D., Dal Corso F., Misseroni, D.
"Propulsion by means of elastic strain energy release"
Bigoni D., Misseroni D., G., Tommasini, M., Kirillov O., Noselli
XXI National Conference of Computational Mechanics and VIII Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group
(GIMC - GMA 2016),
June 27-29, 2016, IMT Lucca.
Davide Bigoni, Diego Misseroni, Francesco Dal Corso, Costanza Armanini
Snakes, elastic guns and configurational forces
R. Springhetti and N.S. Selyutina
"Viscoelastic modeling of articular cartilage under impact loading"
M.S. Swan, A. Piccolroaz and D. Bigoni
"Green body density analysis using tomographic reconstruction"
D. Misseroni and A.B. Movchan
"Cloaking of flexural vibrations in a structured plate"
Davide Bigoni, Diego Misseroni, Francesco Dal Corso, Costanza Armanini
First International Symposium on Flutter and its Application, May 15-17, 2016, Tokyo
Bigoni D., Kirillov O., Misseroni D., G., Tommasini, M., Noselli
"Experiments on the Pfluger column: flutter from friction"
Abstract; Paper -
Soft Robotics Week, April 25-30, 2016, Livorno, Italy
F. Dal Corso
"Configurational forces in structures: elastica arm scale and torsional locomotion". -
7th International Symposium on Defect and Material Mechanics, September 14-18, 2015, Bremen, Germany
Bigoni D., Bosi F., Dal Corso F., Misseroni D.
"Configurational forces in elastic structures: injection & dripping of elastic rods" -
XXII AIMETA Conference - The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, September 14-17, 2015, Genova (Italy)
- A. Bacigalupo, M. Paggi, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
"A simplified computational model for the identification of nonlocal parameters of homogenous materials equivalent to Cauchy composites. - D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni, F. Bosi, F. Dal Corso
"Effects of configurational forces on elastic structures: torsional locomotion and self-encapsulation of an elastic rod. - P. Gourgiotis, D. Bigoni
"Folding and Stress Channelling in Cosserat Continua.
- A. Bacigalupo, M. Paggi, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
9th European Solid Mechanics Conference,
July 6-10, 2015 Madrid
D. Bigoni
"Perturbations and shear bands" -
D. Bigoni, F. Dal Corso, D. Misseroni, N. Pugno, A.B. Movchan, N.V. Movchan
"Flexural propulsion" -
F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni, D. Misseroni, F. Bosi
"Elastica Arm Scale and Torsional Locomotion" -
P. Gourgiotis, D. Bigoni
"Stress channelling in polar materials"
D. Bigoni
The Eighth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, June 26-July 1, 2015 Iasi, Romania.
Craciun E.M.
"Cracks in pre-stressed and pre-polarized piezoelectric crystals" -
Euromech Colloquium 575 Contact Mechanics and Coupled Problems in Surface Phenomena,
March 30 - April 2, 2015 IMT Lucca
Bigoni D., Misseroni, D., Tommasini, M.
"Flutter and Friction" -
Misseroni, D., Movchan, A., Movchan, N., Bigoni D.
"Experimental validation of an asymptotic model to predict crack trajectories influenced by voids"
Bigoni D., Misseroni, D., Tommasini, M.
Euromech Colloquium 577, March 2-5, 2015, Stuttgart, Germany
Craciun E.M.
"Three collinear cracks in pre-stressed elastic composites" -
FFW2014 -
3rd International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear,
September 1-3, 2014, Kitakyushu, Japan
Bigoni D.
"Local perturbations in higly prestressed materials" -
Dal Corso F., Bigoni D., Noselli, G., Misseroni D., Shahzad, S.
"Rigid inclusions: stress singularity, inclusion neutrality and shear bands"
Bigoni D.
ACEM2014, The 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research, August 24-28, 2014, Busan, South Korea
Dal Corso F., Bigoni D.
"Shear bands in reinforced materials" -
Bigoni D., Bosi F., Dal Corso F., Misseroni D.
"Energy releasing structures"
Dal Corso F., Bigoni D.
PACAM XIV, The Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, March 24-28, 2014, Santiago, Chile
Bigoni D., Bosi F., Dal Corso F., Misseroni D.
"Eshelby-like forces and buckling of simple elastic structures"
(the first author is the presenting author)
2018 Workshop on Dynamic phenomena in media with microstructure, October 7-12, 2018, Tel Aviv University,
D. Bigoni, P. Gourgiotis
"The dynamics of folding in Cosserat materials". -
2018 Workshop on PDEs and Asymptotic methods with applications, March 19, 2018, Department of Mathematics, Aberystwyth University,
F. Bosi, D. Misseroni, F. Dal Corso and D. Bigoni
"Configurational forces in extremely deformable structures: from torsional locomotion to asymptotic self-restabilization". -
Workshop State of the art and challenges in the dynamics and stability of structures, January 26, 2018, Trento.
- Dal Corso F., "Stability and dynamics of structures subject to movable and configurational constraints";
- Misseroni D., "Experimental and numerical proof of dissipative instabilities induced by dry friction".
International Workshop "Elastic deformation and dynamic response of aneurysm repairs: modelling and applications", February 2-3, 2017, University of Liverpool
Bigoni D.
"Mechanical properties of non-linear biological materials: theoretical and experimental study". -
2016 International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials & Structures, October 28-30, 2016, Cetara (SA)
Francesco Dal Corso, Summer Shahzad, Davide Bigoni
"Stress annihilation and neutrality for star-shaped voids and rigid inclusions". -
International Workshop "Advances in Mechanical Metamaterials", October 10-11, 2016, University of Trento
Bigoni D., Gourgiotis, P.
"Folding and faulting waves in Cosserat elasticity". -
Materials beyond Photonics, June 20-24, 2016, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh
Bigoni D.
"Experiments on the dynamics of self-oscillating elastic structures". -
Network dynamics and complexity
, May 20, 2016, Trento
Bigoni D.
"Self-oscillating elastic systems". -
Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Differential Growth, Morphogenesis, and Pattern Selection,
November 1-7, 2015,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach (Germany)
- Bigoni D., "Dripping of an elastic rod and snake locomotion";
- Gourgiotis P., "Folding and faulting of an elastic continuum as the response to a material instability".
State of the art and challenges in thermal and mechanical modelling of ceramic materials - March 20, 2015, Trento (Italy);
- N. Bordignon, A. Piccolroaz, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
Numerical modelling for the strain localization and shear banding in materials; - M. Tommasini, D. Bigoni, D. Misseroni
Mechanical models for instabilities induced by dry friction.
- N. Bordignon, A. Piccolroaz, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
XX Convegno Nazionale di Meccanica Computazionale - VII Riunione del Gruppo Materiali AIMETA, June 11-13, 2014, Cassino (Italy).
Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D., Bosi, F., Misseroni, D.
"Elastically deformable scale through configurational forces". -
New Frontiers in Multiscale Modelling of Advanced Materials
, June 17-20, 2014, European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Trento (Italy)
Bigoni D.
"Material instabilities through a perturbative approach". -
International Workshop on Material Modeling, March 31-April 4, 2014, São Carlos (Brazil)
D. Bigoni, F. Bosi, F. Dal Corso, D. Misseroni, G. Noselli, and D. Zaccaria
"Unexpected mechanical behaviours of simple elastic structures"
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the congress: 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Design, Resilience and Rehabilitation of Structures, October 16-18, 2019, Coimbra (PT).
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the congress: XXIV Congresso AIMETA 2019, September 15-19, 2019, Roma.
- D.B. member of the Scientific Committee of the "14th International Conference on Vibration Problems" September 1-4, 2019, Crete, Greece.
- D.B. member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference "The multiscale spectrum of constitutive modeling in solid mechanics" July 1-5, 2019, Castro Urdiales, Spain.
- D.B. organizer of the Symposium "Modelling of ceramics - IV CERMODEL", part of the congress: XVI ECerS Conference, June 16-20, 2019, Torino, Italy.
- D.B. member of the Scientific Committee of the workshop "Dynamic Phenomena in Media with Microstructure" October 8-10, 2018, Tel Aviv University.
- D.B. member of the International Scientific Committee of the "Eighth International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures" (ICTWS 2018), July, 24-27, 2018, Lisbon.
- D.B. member of the International Advisory Board of 41st Solid Mechanics Conference August 27-31, 2018, Warsaw.
D.B. and F. Ubertini Chairmen and organizers of the congress:
10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2018),
of the European Mechanics Society, July 2-6, 2018, Bologna.
First announcement
Instabilities research team co-organizer of three minisymposia at the
10th European Solid Mechanics Conference(ESMC 2018),
of the European Mechanics Society, July 2-6, 2018, Bologna.
- "Mechanics and Physics of Solids and Structures", organized by S. Neukirch, B. Roman, K. Seffen and F. Dal Corso.
- "Elastic Metamaterials", organized by A.B. Movchan, S. Guenneau, and D. Misseroni;
- "Dynamic Failure and Phase Transition in Structured Media", organized by G. Mishuris, M. Nieves, A. Piccolroaz, B. Markert.
- D.B. member of the International Advisory Board of High and Ultra High Temperature Ceramics Symposium at the 7th International Congress on Ceramics, June 17-21, 2018, Foz do Iguacu (Brazil).
- F.D.C. and D.M. organizers of the workshop State of the art and challenges in the dynamics and stability of structures, January 26, 2018, Trento.
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the congress: 2nd International Conference of Recent Advances in Nonlinear Models, November 16-17, 2017, Coimbra (PT).
- F.D.C. co-organizer with Andrea Piccolroaz, Andrea Bacigalupo and Maria Laura De Bellis of the special session: "Recent advances in the mechanical modelling of composite materials and periodic structures", at the XXIII AIMETA Conference, September 4-7, 2017, Salerno (Italy).
- Co-chairman with Dr. A. Tampieri and Prof. P. Zannini of the Congress CERMODEL2017 - Modelling and Simulation meet Innovation in Ceramics Technology, July 26-28, 2017.
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the congress: 8th International Symposium on Defect and Materials Mechanics (ISDMM17), June 26-29, 2017, Lyon.
- D.B. member of the scientific advisory board of the congress: 14th International Conference on Fracture, June 18-23, 2017, Rhodes.
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the congress: 2016 International Workshop on Miltiscale Innovative Materials and Structures, October 28-30, 2016, Cetara (Salerno).
- D.B. co-chairman with Professors C. Lexcellent and H. Petryk of the special session "Elasticity, Plasticity and Phase Transition" commemorating Professor B. Raniecki at The 40th Solid Mechanic Conference SOLMECH 2016, August 30 - September 2, 2016, Warsaw.
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the conference: Fracture, Fatigue and Wear, August 24-26, 2016 Kitakyushu, Japan.
- D.B. member of the scientific advisory board of the congress: 17th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, July 3-7, 2016, Rhodes, Greece.
- F.D.C. co-organizer of the special session: "Modelling of microstructured materials and metamaterials", at the congress XXI National Conference of Computational Mechanics and VIII Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group (GIMC - GMA 2016), June 27-29, 2016, IMT Lucca.
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the congress: 7th International Symposium on Defect and Materials Mechanics (ISDMM15), September 14-18, 2015 University of Bremen.
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the conference: Fracture, Fatigue and Wear, August 27-28, 2015 Ghent, Belgium.
- D.B. co-organizer of two minisymposia at the
"9th European Solid Mechanics Conference" July 6-10, 2015, Madrid:
- "Material instabilities", organized by D. Bigoni and H. Petryk;
- "Mechanics and Physics of Solids and Structures", organized by S. Neukirch, B. Roman, K. Seffen and D. Bigoni.
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the congress: International Conference on Mechanics of Complex Solids and Fluids, May 17-22, 2015 Lille.
- D.B. member of the scientific committee of the colloquium 575 of the European Mechanics Society: Contact mechanics and coupled problems in surface phenomena, March 30 – April 2, 2015, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy.
"Configurational mechanics of elastic rods".
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (China), March 27, 2019. -
"Equilibrium and motion of elastic structures towards soft robotics applications".
Key Laboratory of Soft Machines and Smart Devices, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (China), March 26, 2019. -
"Unstable equilibrium, (self-re)stability and motion of structures subject to configurational constraints".
Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Fudan University, Shanghai (China), March 25, 2019. -
"Motion from energy release of elastic structures subject to movable and configurational constraints".
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai (China), March 22, 2019. -
December 11, 2018, Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne; IGM Colloquium
D. Bigoni. "Folding of a continuum and energy releasing or fluttering rods"
July 25, 2018, School of Engineering and Applied Scences, Harvard University; Kavli seminar
D. Bigoni. "Extreme deformation of solids and structures: folding and energy release"
April 27, 2018, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering at the University of Minnesota; Warren Lecture Series 2017-2018
D. Bigoni. "Folding of solids as a constitutive instability and configurational forces in elastic structures"
February 23, 2018, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
D. Bigoni. "The dynamics of a shear band" -
February 20, 2018, Digital Manufacturing and Design Centre, Singapore University of Technology and Design
F. Dal Corso. "Snapping and sliding rods" -
February 9, 2018, Department of Engineering Science, The University of Auckland
F. Dal Corso. "Snap-back mechanisms and locomotion from structures subject to movable and configurational constraints" -
February 8, 2018, School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology
F. Dal Corso. "Configurational forces and structural stability" -
February 8, 2018, Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris
D. Bigoni. "Folding of elastic solids & snaking, dripping, and fluttering of elastic rods" -
December 8, 2017, Engineering Department Bio and Micromechanics Seminars, University of Cambridge
D. Bigoni. "Snaking, dripping, and fluttering of elastic rods" -
September 8, 2017, University of Salerno
D. Bigoni. "Recent advances on instability problems in the mechanics of solids and structures" -
August 26, 2017, International Center for Applied Mechanics at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
D. Bigoni. "Statics and dynamics of folding in three dimensional elasticity" -
June 30, 2017, Institut Fresnel, Aix-Marseille Universite
D. Bigoni. "Extreme deformations of solids and structures: folding of an elastic material, dripping, snaking and self-oscillating elastic rods" -
May 10, 2017, Applied Mechanics Seminars at The University of British Columbia, Vancouver
D. Bigoni. "Emerging Geometries in Elasticity: Folding of a Continuum, Dripping and Snaking of an Elastic Rod" -
May 4, 2017, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Folding and faulting of continua: statics and dynamics" -
April 5, 2017, School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham University
D. Bigoni. "Emerging deformation patterns in elasticity: folding of a continuum, dripping and snaking of an elastic rod and self-oscillating structures" -
March 28, 2017, IUAV University of Venezia
D. Bigoni. "The stone beam" -
January 27, 2017, GALCIT, Caltech, Pasadena (USA)
F. Dal Corso. "Structures subject to movable and configurational constraints, with applications to soft robotics and locomotion" -
November 24, 2016, Technical University of Munich
D. Bigoni. "Emerging geometries in elasticity: the folding of a three-dimensional solid, the dripping and the snaking of a rod, and self-oscillating structures" -
November 14, 2016, University of Torino
D. Bigoni. "Self-oscillation of elastic systems" -
October 31, 2016, Seminar day University of Salerno
- D. Bigoni. "Folding as an instability of a three-dimensional elastic solid"
- F. Dal Corso. "The elastica compass and the elastica catapult"
October 13, 2016, Giornata di Studio AIMETA e Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, Milano
D. Bigoni. " Geometria ed elasticita': folding di un solido, dripping di un’asta elastica e strutture self-oscillating" -
June 1, 2016, Division of Mechanics, National Technical University of Athens
D. Bigoni. "Material instabilities and shear bands" -
May 13, 2016, Department of Materials Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science
D. Bigoni. "Self-oscillating elastic structures by flutter instability" -
May 2, 2016, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Inclusion invisibility, stress annihilation and stress reduction in antiplane elasticity" -
February 17, 2016, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e dei Materiali - Universita' di Brescia
D. Bigoni. "The emergence of folding and faulting in an elastic solid" -
December 22, 2015, Universidad de Sevilla
D. Bigoni. "Folding and faulting of an elastic continuum as a constitutive instability" -
December 18, 2015, Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Brescia
D. Bigoni. "Geometry and elasticity: folding of an elastic continuum and the dripping of an elastic rod" -
November 12, 2015, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali - Universita' di Bologna
D. Bigoni. "I limiti e le sfide della Scienza delle Costruzioni: the folding of an elastic continuum, the torsional gun, and the dripping of an elastic rod" -
September 25, 2015, MOX Politecnico di Milano
D. Bigoni. "Material instabilities: folding, faulting, and Cosserat solids" -
June 17, 2015, Institute of Computational Science, Universita' della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
D. Bigoni. "The folding and the faulting of an elastic continuum" -
June 16, 2015, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Folding and faulting of an elastic continuum" -
May 29, 2015, Tsinghua University, Beijing
D. Bigoni. "Shear bands, material instabilities, and the folding of an elastic continuum" -
May 29, 2015, Peking University, Beijing
D. Bigoni. "Configurational forces, elastic balances, torsional guns, and the dripping of elastic rods" -
May 5, 2015, University of Pavia
D. Bigoni. "The elastica arm balance, the torsional gun, and the self-encapsulation, or dripping, of an elastic rod" -
March 27, 2015, MoMA Seminar, University La Sapienza, Roma
D. Bigoni. "Strange equlibria of elastic rods: elastic arm scale, torsional gun, and the dripping of the Euler's elastica" -
February 20, 2015, Brescia University
D. Bigoni. "Elastica arm scale, torsional gun and dripping of an elastic rod" -
February 12, 2015, Glasgow University
D. Bigoni. "Encapsulation of an elastic rod and configurational forces" -
December 16, 2014, Xiamen University (China)
D. Bigoni. "The research in nonlinear solid & structural mechanics at the University of Trento" -
December 2, 2014, Ovidius University of Constanta
D. Bigoni. "Theory vs. experiments in nonlinear solid & structural mechanics" -
November 18, 2014, Politecnico di Milano
D. Bigoni. "Configurational mechanics of structures" -
September 9, 2014, Department of Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo, Japan
F. Dal Corso. "Configurational mechanics: Elastica arm scale and torsional locomotion" -
September 8, 2014, Department of Materials Science and Technology,
Tokyo University of Science, Japan
F. Dal Corso. "Stiff inclusions in composite materials: singularities and shear bands nucleation" -
September 5, 2014, Department of Aeronautics and
Astronautics of the School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan
F. Dal Corso. "Stress concentration and localization of deformation in reinforced materials" -
August 29, 2014, Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Osaka University, Japan
F. Dal Corso. "Elastic structures releasing energy" -
August 29, 2014, Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Osaka University, Japan
D. Bigoni. "Shear bands modelling" -
July 19, 2014, Dipartimento di Strutture per l’Ingegneria e l’Architettura, Universita' di Napoli Federico II, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Flutter and friction" -
July 18, 2014, Dipartimento di Strutture per l’Ingegneria e l’Architettura, Universita' di Napoli Federico II, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Green's functions and 3D effects for material instability" -
July 18, 2014, Dipartimento di Strutture per l’Ingegneria e l’Architettura, Universita' di Napoli Federico II, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Elastic structures and energy release. An elastica arm scale" -
July 16, 2014, Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Strutturale, Universita' La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Structures releasing elastic energy" -
May 22, 2014, Industrial and Applied Mathematics seminar at the University of Oxford, UK
D. Bigoni. "Theory and Experiments are Strongly Connected in Nonlinear Mechanics" -
April 25, 2014, California Institute of Technology, GALCIT Colloquium, USA
D. Bigoni. "Theory and Experiments are Strongly Connected in Nonlinear Mechanics" -
April 18, 2014, University of California, Berkeley, USA
D. Bigoni. "Energy releasing from elastic structures" -
March 17, 2014, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Configurational forces in elastic structures" -
March 7, 2014, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy
D. Bigoni. "Energy releasing structures"
Training activities
- January 26, 2018 - Workshop "State of the art and challenges in dynamics and stability of structures" (Trento, Italy) Workshop program and book of abstracts
- October 10-11, 2016 - International Workshop "Advances in Mechanical Metamaterials" (Trento, Italy) Abstracts
- December 18-19, 2017 - Prof. Sonia Mogilevskaya (University of Minnesota) three hours course on "Lost in translation: crack problems in different languages" University of Trento.
- October 3-4, 2017 - Prof. Henryk Petryk (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) four hours course on "Internal length scales in mechanics of metallic materials" University of Trento.
- September 4-16, 2017 - Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica: XLII Summer school on Mathematical Physics "Self-shaping & energy releases of highly deformed elastic bodies, with applications to material instabilities and Euler’s elastica" (Ravello)
- July 19-25, 2017 - International Summer School: Mechanics for the green economy "Mechanical modelling of ceramic powders for green economy" (Universty of Brescia and Trento)
- April 10-14, 2017 - CISM-AIMETA Advanced School for the year 2017: "
Dynamic Stability and Bifurcation in Nonconservative Mechanics" (Udine, I)
- June 2-6, 2014 - CISM 2014 Advanced School: "Extremely deformable structures" (Udine, I)
SEMINARS given at Trento University by visiting scientists
Seminars held at UNITN
January 24, 2019 Prof. Micheal J. Nieves (Keele University)
"Gyro-elastic multi-structures: Modelling, analysis and applications." -
December 13, 2018 Prof. Sonia Mogilevskaya (University of Minnesota)
"The Gurtin-Murdoch and Steigmann-Ogden models vis-a-vis the Benveniste-Miloh interface regimes." -
September 11, 2018 Dr. James P. Wissman (Naval Research Laboratories NRL, Washington)
"Soft, Shape Programmable Devices and Bio-Inspired Flow Sensing." -
September 11, 2018 Prof. Piaras Kelly (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
"Advanced Composite Materials: manufacturing quality products efficiently." -
September 4, 2018 Prof. John Maddocks (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Swiss)
"Hamiltonian formulations of elastic rod and birod equilibrium conditions." -
July 10, 2018 Prof. Mattia Bacca (University of British Columbia, Canada)
"A model for the contraction of polymer gels created by the activity of molecular motors." -
July 10, 2018 Prof. Tuan Hoang (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan)
"Buckling of rings: A revisit." -
June 12, 2018 Prof. Tejas G Murthy (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
"Image based deformation measurements of drilling in complex solids." -
May 18, 2018 Prof. Giovanni Solari (University of Genova)
"Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures." -
May 9, 2018 Prof. Mark Kachanov (Tufts University, Massachusetts, United States)
"Micromechanics of heterogeneous materials and rough contacting surfaces." -
May 7, 2018 Prof. Reinhold Kienzler (University of Bremen)
"Aspects of Mechanics in Material Space." -
April 9, 2018 Prof. Sebastien Neukirch (University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris)
"Liquid forces on elastic structures: capillarity prevails at small scales." -
March 16, 2018 Prof. Eduard Marius Craciun (University of Constanta)
"Mathematical modelling of crack propagation in human bone." -
March 16, 2018 Prof. Marius Popa (University of Constanta)
"Forensic contributions to the study of the mathematical models of mechanical deformations of human tissues." -
March 2, 2018 Dr. Michael Nieves (Keele University)
"Vibrations in discrete and continuous gyro-elastic media." -
January 29, 2018 Prof. Alberto Salvadori (University of Brescia)
"Modeling transport-reaction-mechanics with trapping." -
January 22, 2018 Dr. Domenico Tallarico (University of Liverpool)
"Coupled Mode Interface and Nested Bloch Waves" -
November 23, 2017 Dr. Paolo Albertelli (Politecnico di Milano)
"Machine tools performances and environmental sustainability" -
November 23, 2017 Dr. Frederic Monteverde (ISTEC-CNR Faenza)
"Novel Hybrid Highly Performing Materials for Applications in Extreme Environments" -
November 22, 2017 Prof. Marco Gaiani (University of Bologna)
"Metodi e tecniche per la costruzione di modelli 3D di sistemi urbani e monumentali" -
October 26, 2017 Prof. David R. Owen (Carnegie Mellon University)
"Elasticity with Gradient Disarrangements" -
October 13, 2017 Prof. Maurizio Seracini (Editech Art & Science Srl)
"Tecniche di indagine non distruttiva per la visualizzazione e caratterizzazione di materiali: la ricerca della Battaglia di Anghiari di Leonardo da Vinci nel Salone dei 500 a Firenze" -
August 7, 2017 Prof. Mattia Bacca (University of British Columbia)
"Defect tolerance and design principles for bio-inspired fibrillar dry-adhesives" -
July 7, 2017 Dr. Matteo Alvaro (Universita' di Pavia)
"Can solid mechanics and geology help to one another?" -
June 1, 2017 Prof. Marco Paggi (IMT Lucca)
"Crack penetration or deflection at an interface: a new framework based on the phase field approach for brittle fracture and the interface cohesive zone model" -
May 23, 2017 Prof. Valter Carvelli (Politecnico di Milano)
"Modelling of Forming of 3D Textile Reinforcements for Composites" -
May 17, 2017 Prof. Isaac Elishakoff (Florida Atlantic University)
"Resolution of 20th Century Conundrum in Elastic Stability" -
April 21, 2017 Prof. Angelo Simone (Delft University of Technology)
"Enriched approximations for microstructural modeling and characterization" -
January 19, 2017 -Prof. Luciano Rosati (University of Napoli)
"Reformulation and extension of the Thrust Network Analysis for masonry vaults" -
December 20, 2016 -Prof. Alexander Movchan (University of Liverpool)
"Some ideas on waves in parabolic metamaterials" -
November 25, 2016 - Dr. Giuseppe Zurlo (National University of Ireland, Galway)
"Catastrophic thinning of soft dielectrics" -
October 12, 2016 - Prof. Stephan Rudykh (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel)
"Soft Microstructured Materials: From Artificial Muscles to Bio-inspired Flexible Armor" -
September 15, 2016 - Prof. Xanthippi Markenscoff (University of California at San Diego - USA)
"Dynamic Eshelby Micromechanics (with inertia effects)" -
July 20, 2016 - Prof. Roberto Ballarini (University of Houston - USA)
"Structural Testing at the micro and nano scales: breaking invisible specimens with zero force" -
July 20, 2016 - Dr. Mattia Bacca (University of California at Santa Barbara - USA)
"Optimal load sharing in bioinspired fibrillar adhesives" -
July 15, 2016 - Prof. Stanislaw Stupkiewicz (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research,
Polish Academy of Sciences - Poland)
"Phase-field study of size effects in martensitic microstructures" -
July 1, 2016 - Prof. Rolf Krause (USI - Universita' della Svizzera Italian - Switzerland)
"Efficient Solution Methods for Non-linear and Coupled Problems in Mechanics" -
April 20, 2016 - Prof. Sebastien Neukirch (d'Alembert Institute for Mechanics
UPMC and CNRS - France)
"Buckling and coiling of a fiber inside a liquid drop" -
March 4, 2016 - Dr. Christian J. Cyron
(University of Munich)
"Davis' law revisited" -
October 2, 2015 - Prof. Alessandro Reali
(University of Pavia - Italy)
"An overview on Isogeometric Collocation, a novel, fast and accurate Computational Mechanics paradigm" -
September 28, 2015 - Prof. Marco Paggi
(IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca - Italy)
"Computational methods for nonlinear fracture mechanics problems with large displacements" -
May 15, 2015 - Dr. Alessandro Rigazzi
(University of Lugano - Switzerland)
"Determination of real area of contact and elastostatic friction for self-affine surfaces by means of the finite element method" -
March 16, 2015 - Prof. Alberto Bemporad
(IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca - Italy)
"Embedded quadratic optimization algorithms and their application in control and structural engineering" -
February 27, 2015 - Dr. Mehul Makwana
(Imperial College London - United Kingdom)
"General asymptotic theory for periodic structures: Connecting the Microstructure to the Macroscale" -
February 11, 2015 - Prof. Eduard-Marius Craciun
(OVIDIUS University of Constanta - Romania)
"Mathematical modelling of cracks propagation in an orthotropic solid" -
December 16, 2014 - Prof. Bernhard A. Schrefler
(University of Padova - Italy)
"Interaction between crack tip advancement velocity and fluid velocity in fracturing saturated porous media" -
December 11, 2014 - Prof. Sebastien Neukirch (d'Alembert Institute for Mechanics
UPMC and CNRS - France)
"Snap-Through Instability induced by a Water Drop" -
December 9, 2014 - Prof. Alessandro Reali (University of Pavia - Italy)
"Isogeometric Analysis: A basic introduction with applications in solid and structural mechanics involving complex geometries, structural vibrations, explicit dynamics, large deformations, inelasticity, contact, and buckling." -
October 24, 2014 - Dr. Oleg Kirillov (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - Germany)
"Ziegler-Bottema dissipation-induced instability and related topics" -
August 7, 2014 - Dr. Elena Atroshchenko (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Chile)
"Analytical and numerical methods for fracture problems in classical and Cosserat theories of elasticity" -
July 11, 2014 - Prof. Massimo Ruzzene (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
"Nonlinear and Adaptive Metamaterials: Concepts and Experiments" -
July 8, 2014 - Dr. Andrea Micheletti (Universita' di Roma TorVergata, I)
"Morphing Tensegrity Structures" -
July 8, 2014 - Prof. Paolo Podio-Guidugli (Universita' di Roma TorVergata, I)
"From Volume Interactions to Contact Interactions" -
June 16, 2014 - Prof. Valery Smyshlyaev (University College London, UK)
"Higher-order continua via mathematical homogenization of heterogeneous media and related issues" -
May 26, 2014 - Dr. Marco Rivetti (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen - Germany)
"Capillary driven deformations of elastic solids" -
April 9, 2014 - Prof. Michel Destrade (National University of Ireland Galway
and University College Dublin - IRL)
"Wrinkling of soft matter under large deformation"
10th European Solid Mechanics Conference,
July 2-6, 2018, Bologna (Italy).
- G. Bordiga, L. Cabras, A. Piccolroaz
Dispersion, localization and standing modes of in-plane Floquet-Bloch waves in Rayleigh beam lattices; - M. Rossi, D. Veber, M. Gei
Meta-structural plates for the cloaking of flexural waves; - R. Cavuoto, M. Fraldi, K. Dayal, L. Deseri
Peridynamics of thin films undergoing through thickness delamination.
- G. Bordiga, L. Cabras, A. Piccolroaz
April 24-28, 2018, Livorno (Italy).
- A. Cazzolli, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
Disclosure of Universal Critical Conditions for the Snap of One-Dimensional Soft Structures; - C. Armanin, F. Dal Corso, D. Misseroni, D. Bigoni
Non Linear Mechanical Modelling of a Soft Robot Arm.
- A. Cazzolli, F. Dal Corso, D. Bigoni
DEFI 2016 – Dynamics of Evolving Fluid Interfaces Gathering physic-chemical and flow properties, Lyon (France), 12-13 October 2016
Gajo, A., Cecinato F., Loret, B.
"Deformable porous media saturated by three immiscible fluids: Constitutive modeling and core flooding simulations". -
Modelling of refractory meterials and ceramics, with a view to technological applications, April 22, 2016, University of Trento
Armanini, C., Dal Corso F., Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D.
"Snap–through instability of a soft robotic arm". -
Modelling of refractory meterials and ceramics, with a view to technological applications, April 22, 2016, University of Trento
Bordignon, N., Piccolroaz, A., Dal Corso F., Bigoni, D.
"Numerical and perturbative approaches for strain localization and shear bands phenomena". -
Modelling of refractory meterials and ceramics, with a view to technological applications, April 22, 2016, University of Trento
Giarola, D., Bigoni, D., Capuani, D.
"A boundary integral technique for the dynamics of a shear band". -
Modelling of refractory meterials and ceramics, with a view to technological applications, April 22, 2016, University of Trento
Rizzi, G., Dal Corso, F., Veber, D., Bigoni, D.
"Strain-gradient effects in the discrete/continuum transition via homogenization". -
Modelling of refractory meterials and ceramics, with a view to technological applications, April 22, 2016, University of Trento
Rossetto, G., Springhetti, R., Bigoni, D.
"Buckling of thin elastic cylinders". -
Modelling of refractory meterials and ceramics, with a view to technological applications, April 22, 2016, University of Trento
Tommasini, M., Bigoni, D., Misseroni, D.
"Dynamical instabilities induced by following forces". -
CERMODEL2015 Congress on Modelling and Simulation meet Innovation in Ceramics Technology, July 1-3, 2015, Trento.
Armanini, C. Dal Corso, F. Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D.
"Snap-through phenomena induced by a rotating clamp". -
CERMODEL2015 Congress on Modelling and Simulation meet Innovation in Ceramics Technology, July 1-3, 2015, Trento.
M. Tommasini, D., Bigoni, D., Misseroni, D.
"Models for dymanical instabilities induced by Coulomb friction". -
CERMODEL2015 Congress on Modelling and Simulation meet Innovation in Ceramics Technology, July 1-3, 2015, Trento.
Shahzad, S. Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D.
"High-contrast inclusions in generalized out-of-plane problem". -
Advanced Problems in Mechanics, June 30 - July 5, 2014, Saint Petersburg
Jatro I.
"Recruitment, opportunities and obligations for the INSTABILITIES ERC research grant".
Prof. Davide Bigoni
Universita' di Trento, via Mesiano, 77 I-38123 Trento (Italia)
E-mail: davide.bigoni@unitn.it
- November 14, 2016 Modesto Panetti and Carlo Ferrari Award for applied mechanics from the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino[diploma].